MN State Convention

June 10-12, 2016 – Minnesota State Square and Round Dance Convention, St Louis Park.  More than 500 dancers attended the convention.

Square Dance Minnesota Chair LeRoy and Mary Elfmann and Square Dance Federation of Minnesota President Janet and Dan Sahlstrom.

Square Dance Minnesota Chair LeRoy and Mary Elfmann and Square Dance Federation of Minnesota President Janet and Dan Sahlstrom.

Hot Foot Stompers!

Hot Foot Stompers!

Spares & Pairs

June 8, 2016 – Spares & Pairs Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Dick Rueter, Cuers Jean and Steve Philson.  Seven squares with dancers from six organizations were present.  Also present were Dakota Grand Squares Queen Becky, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Vice Chair Don Hanson, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, and SDM Historian Al Martin.

County Line Squares!

County Line Squares!

Hastings Demo

June 6, 2016 – Members of Spares & Pairs, South Metro Stars, Afternoon Squares, and Dakota Grand Squares enjoyed entertaining members and guests of the Senior Living Center in Hastings with Caller Dick Rueter.

Dancers with Caller Dick Rueter!

Dancers with Caller Dick Rueter!

Residents and guests!

Residents and guests!

More residents and guests!

More residents and guests!


Westonka Whirlers

June 6, 2016 – Westonka Whirlers “Welcome Summer ABC” Square Dance, Mound, Caller Dick Rueter.  Eight “great” NEW dancers came to the ABC party!  Dick and all 4 and 1/2 squares really enjoyed the energy in the room.  And you wouldn’t believe how many calls Dick taught — and all kept up with no problem?  The ABCs continue every Monday night at The Gillespie Center in Mound.

New dancers with Caller Dick Rueter.

New dancers with Caller Dick Rueter.

Ar-Dale Dancers

June 5, 2016 – Ar-Dale Dancers “Basic and Mainstream Workshop” Square Dance, White Bear Lake, Caller Larry Fruetel.  Continuing education for dancers who completed instruction in the 69 Basic and Mainstream calls.

Ar-Dale Dancers!

Ar-Dale Dancers!


Riverbend Promenaders

June 3, 2016 – Riverbend Promenaders “Demo” Square Dance, Belle Plaine, Caller Larry Fruetel.  Riverbend Promenaders entertained at the Belle Plaine Lutheran Home.

Riverbend Promenaders with Caller Larry Fruetel!

Riverbend Promenaders with Caller Larry Fruetel!

Beaux & Belles

June 1, 2016 – Beaux & Belles “Graduation” Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Five squares with dancers from Beaux & Belles, County Line Squares, Koronis Nite Owls, Ocean Waves (Rockport, TX), and Rum River Squares attended the dance.  Unfortunately, only two of the six graduates were able to attend the dance.

Welcome Stacey and Suzy!

Congratulations Stacey and Suzy!

Rum River Squares, Ocean Waves (Rockport, TX), Koronis Nite Owls, and County Line Squares with Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake, and the graduates!

Rum River Squares, Ocean Waves (Rockport, TX), Koronis Nite Owls, and County Line Squares with Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake, and the graduates!

Westonka Whirlers

May 31, 2016 – Westonka Whirlers “Red, White & Blue” Square Dance, Crystal, Caller Jerry Story, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Seventeen squares with dancers from 22 organizations were present.

Caller Jerry Story!

Caller Jerry Story!

Kato Plus

May 22, 2016 – Kato Plus Square Dance, Mankato, Caller Dennis Farrar.  Three squares with dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, County Line Squares, Crystal Cross Trailers, Kato Plus, Riverbend Promenaders, Spares & Pairs, and Steele Steppers were present.  Also present were Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Beth and King Andy, Crystal Cross Trailers Queen Shirlee, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Clem, USDA Plains Region Vice Presidents Judy and Floyd Engelhardt, and SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann.

Dancers with Caller Dennis Farrar!

Dancers with Caller Dennis Farrar!

Mound Blast

May 21, 2016 – Westonka Whirlers “Blast” Square Dance, Mound, Caller Dick Rueter.  Over six squares participated.  Westonka Whirlers welcomed 12 new members.  Another 12 from various organizations appreciated the brush-up benefits.  A big thanks to instructor Dick Rueter for a great day and to Monte Guenzler for calling the eight ABC dances in Mound that preceded this Blast.  A special standing ovation for the many angels who supported the new dancers.

Some had left before the photo was taken!

Some had left before the photo was taken!