Hot Foot Stompers

February 13, 2016 – Hot Foot Stompers “Hearts and Flowers” Square Dance, Coon Rapids, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Twelve squares from ten organizations were present.  County Line Squares retrieved their banner from Hot Foot Stompers.

County Line Squares with Cuer Ken LaBau and Caller Abe Maier!

County Line Squares with Cuer Ken LaBau and
Caller Abe Maier!

King's Club!

King’s Club!


County Line Squares

February 12, 2016 – County Line Squares “Birthday Bash” Square Dance, Monticello, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Jane Simpson.  Seven squares with dancers from Westonka Whirlers, Spares & Pairs, Dan’se P.A.C., Cambridge Corners, and County Line Squares were present.  Also present were County Line Squares Queen Adrienne Madson, SDM Education Director Bob Meyer, SDM Historian Al Martin, Federation Roundup Subscription Manager and Enhancin’ Dancin’ Editor Paul Pearson, and Federation Roundup Recipe Editor Jenny Johnson.

Allemande Left!

Allemande Left!

Right Hand Star!

Right Hand Star!

Cambridge Corners retrieved their banner!

Cambridge Corners retrieved their banner!

Spares & Pairs and Westonka Whirlers!

Spares & Pairs and Westonka Whirlers!

King's Club members!

King’s Club members!

Spares & Pairs

February 10, 2016 – Spares & Pairs “Valentine” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger, Guest Caller Mike Driscoll.  Seven squares with Spares & Pairs Queen Jennifer and King Barry were present.  Also present were SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Vice Chair Don Hanson, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, and SDM Historian Al Martin.

2016-02-10 - S&P - 02

2016-02-10 - S&P - 01

County Line Squares with Callers Mike Driscoll and Larry Fruetel!

County Line Squares with Callers Mike Driscoll
and Larry Fruetel!


Dakota Grand Squares

February 6, 2016 – Dakota Grand Squares “Hearts and Flowers” Square Dance, St Paul, Caller Abe Maier, Cuers Mike and Edie Kirsch.  Eight squares with dancers from 12 organizations were present.  Also present were Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Bonnie, Bloomington Swirlers Queen Shirlee, and Dakota Grand Squares Queen Rosemarie and King John.

Ar-Dale Dancers retrieved their banner!

Ar-Dale Dancers retrieved their banner!

Spares & Pairs already have a Dakota Grand Squares banner!

Spares & Pairs already had a Dakota Grand Squares banner!

County Line Squares claimed a Dakota Grand Squares banner!

County Line Squares claimed a Dakota Grand Squares banner!

King's Club members at the dance!

King’s Club members at the dance!

Beaux & Belles

February 3, 2016 – Beaux & Belles “Sports” Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Three squares with dancers from Beaux & Belles and County Line Squares were present.

County Line Squares with Caller Larry Fruetel!

County Line Squares with Caller Larry Fruetel!

Wadena Whirlaways

January 14, 2016 – Wadena Whirlaways ““Fiesta – South of the Border” Square Dance, Wadena, Caller Royce Nelson.

The president noted it was Royce's birthday, so she made him a "Feliz cumpleanos" birthday cake.

The president noted it was Royce’s birthday, so she made him a “Feliz cumpleanos” birthday cake.

County Line Squares

January 29, 2016 – County Line Squares “Sports Night” Square Dance, Monticello, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Jane Simpson.  Seven squares with dancers from Wandering Wheels, Spares & Pairs, Single Circles, and County Line Squares.

Banners on Display!

Banners on Display!

Single Circles claimed a County Line Squares banner!

Single Circles claimed a County Line Squares banner!

ETTA Square & Rounds

January 27, 2016 – ETTA Square & Rounds Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen.  Two squares with dancers from Westonka Whirlers, County Line Squares, Beaux & Belles, and ETTA Square & Rounds were present.

Dancers with Caller Tom Allen!

Dancers with Caller Tom Allen!

Spares & Pairs

January 27, 2016 – Spares & Pairs “Graduation” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger.

Welcome, Square Dancers!

Welcome, Square Dancers!

Kato Plus

January 24, 2016 – Kato Plus Square Dance, Mankato, Caller Dean Fishel.  Two squares from Min-Owa Plus, County Line Squares, and Kato Plus were present.

Min-Owa Plus, County Line Squares and Kato Plus with Caller Dean Fishel!

Min-Owa Plus, County Line Squares and Kato Plus with Caller Dean Fishel!