Harbor Squares

January 2016 – Harbor Squares had a wonderful turnout for an ABC dance.  Over 2 squares! Doug Setterstrom was the caller with another visitor caller John Mattice.  John just moved to Grand Marais with his wife and is hoping to get a club started there!  Exciting and fun day with lots of smiles and laughter.

2016-01-23 - Harbor - 01

Cambridge Corners

January 22, 2016 – Cambridge Corners “Back to the 50’s” Square Dance, Isanti, Caller Abe Maier.  Eight squares with dancers from Single Circles, Rum River Squares, Jolly Promenaders, Hot Foot Stompers, Friendly Twirlers, County Line Squares, and Cambridge Corners were present.  Also present was Cambridge Corners Queen Coni, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, Federation Vice President Michelle Jensen, the Roundup Subscription Manager and Enhancin’ Dancin’ Editor Paul Pearson, and the Roundup Recipe Editor Jenny Johnson. County Line Squares claimed a Cambridge Corners banner.  Friendly Twirlers and Hot Foot Stompers already had a Cambridge Corners banner.

"Poodle Skirts"

“Poodle Skirts”

County Line Squares with Caller Abe Maier!

County Line Squares with Caller Abe Maier!

Hot Foot Stompers!

Hot Foot Stompers!

Friendly Twirlers!

Friendly Twirlers!

Rum River Squares!

Rum River Squares!

Cambridge Corners

Cambridge Corners

Beaux & Belles

January 20, 2016 – Beaux & Belles Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen.  Four squares with dancers from Rum River Squares, Koronis Nite Owls, Beaux & Belles, Wadena Whirlaways, and County Line Squares were present.

Rum River, Wadena Whirlaways, County Line Squares, and Koronis Nite Owls dancers!

Rum River, Wadena Whirlaways, County Line Squares, and Koronis Nite Owls dancers!

Kaleidoscope Squares

January 17, 2016 – Kaleidoscope Squares “ABC” Square Dance, Rochester, Caller Monte Guenzler.  Two-and-half squares danced.  Thanks to Mary Bailey for teaching everyone the “Cowboy Charleston.”

ABC dancers!

ABC dancers!


Westonka Whirlers

January 17, 2016 – Westonka Whirlers “Snowmen” Square Dance, Mound, Caller Mike Driscoll, Cuers Jean and Steve Philson.  Eight squares with dancers from seven organizations were present.  Also present were Spares & Pairs Queen Jennifer and King Barry, Dakota Grand Squares Queen Rosemarie and King John, Hot Foot Stompers Queen Julie, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Vice Chair Don Hanson, SDM Secretary Mary Kay Amberg, SDM Historians Al and Cindy Martin, Federation Treasurers Betty and Jerry Elfert.

Snowmen everywhere greeted over nine square of dancers.

Snowmen everywhere greeted over nine square of dancers.

The door prizes all fit the theme and the season!  Steve and Jean Philson received many "warm fuzzies" from the round dancers--always good on a cold day!

The door prizes all fit the theme and the season! Steve and Jean Philson received many “warm fuzzies” from the round dancers–always good on a cold day!

Mike Driscoll really enjoyed himself so the dancers did too!

Mike Driscoll really enjoyed himself so the dancers did too!

The organization's new dancers were all there and had a ball.

The organization’s new dancers were all there and had a ball.

Smiles everywhere--okay, Babara is hiding her smile!

Smiles everywhere–okay, Babara is hiding her smile!

Even those who had a health issue that prevented them from dancing came to enjoy the afternoon!   For the first time ever, Harlan was not dancing as he is having a knee replacement February 5.

Even those who had a health issue that prevented them from dancing came to enjoy the afternoon! For the first time ever, Harlan was not dancing as he is having a knee replacement February 5.

Hot Foot Stompers retrieved their banner!

Hot Foot Stompers retrieved their banner!

Spares & Pairs retrieved their banner!

Spares & Pairs retrieved their banner!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner!

King's Club members!

King’s Club members!

Single Circles

January 15, 2016  – Single Circles “Snowflakes” Square Dance, Maple Grove, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Eight squares with dancers from eight organizations were present.  Also present were Hot Foot Stompers Queen Julie, Single Circles Queen Journey, Come Square Dance President Vince Dahlheimer, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, and Federation Vice President Michelle Jenson.

Hot Foot Stompers with Caller Abe Maier!

Hot Foot Stompers with Caller Abe Maier!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner!

Westonka Whirlers claimed a Single Circles banner!

Westonka Whirlers claimed a Single Circles banner!

King's Club members at the dance!

King’s Club members at the dance!


Spares & Pairs

January 13, 2016 – Spares & Pairs “Winter Wonderland” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuers Jean and Steve Philson.  Six squares from five organizations were present.

SDM Board members at the dance!

SDM Board members at the dance!

King's Club members at the dance!

King’s Club members at the dance!



January 10, 2016 – Square Dance, Mesa, Callers Jerry Story, Dick Rueter, and Tom Allen.

Nice turnout of Minnesota dancers!

Nice turnout of Minnesota dancers!

Rochester ABC

January 4, 2016 – Kaleidoscope Squares “ABC” Square Dance, Rochester, Caller Monte Guenzler.  Hot Dance on a Cold Day!  Twenty-three dancers showed up for Kaleidoscope’s Sunday ABC.  We have nine new dancers signed up for lessons starting next week.

2016-01-10 - Kaleidoscope - 02

2016-01-10 - Kaleidoscope - 01