Spares & Pairs

March 11, 2015 – Spares & Pairs “Return to 60s” Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger.  Seven squares from eight clubs were present.

County Line Squares claimed a Spares & Pairs banner!

County Line Squares claimed a Spares & Pairs banner!

Ar-Dale Dancers

March 8, 2015 – It was a beautiful Sunday afternoon for our March dance.  Our caller, Dean Dederman and Cuer, Ken LaBau did a great job entertaining 11 squares from 16 clubs.  Celebrities in attendance were Michelle Jenson, Federation Vice President; SDM Chair, LeRoy Elfmann; Secretary, Bob Meyer and Treasurer, Deb Hollimon.  Queens in attendance were Mavis, County Line; King Mel, Single Circles; Mickey and Ben, Square & Twirl and our own Sharon Dohrmann.  Clubs stealing small banners were County Line Squares; Hotfoot Stompers; South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs and Westonka Whirlers.  Many nice items were brought in for our used clothing sale.  Thanks to Gale Larson for handling the purchases. There were many green treats and other dishes at the potluck table for everyone to enjoy.  Spring is almost here so lets keep those dancing feet going.

South Metro Stars claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

South Metro Stars claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Spares & Pairs claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Spares & Pairs claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Hotfoot Stompers claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Hotfoot Stompers claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

County Line Squares claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

County Line Squares claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Westonka Whirlers claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Westonka Whirlers claimed an Ar-Dales banner!

Three Westonka Whirlers that missed the group picture.

Three Westonka Whirlers that missed the group picture.

Sharon & Rich, who are moving to Arizona, were presented a "Certificate of Appreciation" by SDM Chair LeRoy.

Sharon & Rich, who are moving to Arizona, were presented a “Certificate of Appreciation” by SDM Chair LeRoy.

Dean & Ken were on stage dancing "in and out" during the "Friendship Ring" finale.

Dean & Ken were on stage dancing “in and out” during the “Friendship Ring” finale.


Bloomington Swirlers

March 6, 2015 – Bloomington Swirlers Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Lanny Weaklend, Cues Mike & Edie Kirsch.

Spares & Pairs claimed a Bloomington Swirlers banner!

Spares & Pairs claimed a Bloomington Swirlers banner!

Dakota Grand Squares claimed a Bloomington Swirlers banner!

Dakota Grand Squares claimed a Bloomington Swirlers banner!

Circle 8

March 7, 2015 – Circle 8 Dance, Fargo, Caller/Cuer Larry Pfennig.  Four squares with dancers from Country Twirlers, County Line Squares, L&M Squares, Saturday Fun Nite, Prairie Promenaders, F-M Square Dancers Association, and Circle 8 were present.

County Line Squares dancers!

County Line Squares dancers!

Spares & Pairs

March 5, 2015 – Many thanks to the callers who have made themselves available while our regular caller Dick Rueter has been working in the warmer climate of Mesa, Arizona and most recently been laid up following surgery.  These callers have been available to join us for the 12-week “Sharpen Up Your Mainstream Skills” review class which preceded our regular Wednesday night dances.

Thanks to Larry Fruetel, Mike Driscoll, and Wayne Kubicek who not only took dancers through a great review for an hour, and answered questions, but did a marvelous job during the dance as well!  We will continue this month with this review class and keep encouraging the new dancers to join us.

What’s going to happen after that, for the hour before the regular Wednesday dance you ask?  Ray Belanger has agreed to revive the fine art of Line Dancing starting Wednesday, April 1 from 7:00 – 8:00 prior to the weekly mainstream dance.  He is gearing up for the opportunity and adventure of introducing new dancers as well as current line dancers to this form of individualized dancing.  The cost will remain the same: FREE with regular admission of $6.00 or… $2.00 for the line dance class. (Look for the flyer in this website…)

Many thanks to Mary and Ken Egan, our royalty, for organizing the banner raids during the cold winter months and doing so with great enthusiasm!  We appreciate everyone’s efforts and travel, as the club has brought back our banners!  New royalty elections will be coming soon for the members of Spares and Pairs.

Some of our members, in addition to Dick Rueter, are wished “speedy recovery” following hospital stays or accidents during the winter months. These members include Steve Aus, Elaine Gorshe, George Shepherd, and Judy Sweeney.

Unique happenings have occurred, which require special recognition as well.  We had a very successful dance with the members of the Oak Grove Presbyterian Church in Bloomington the end of February.  The S & P members voted on the status for the annual boat trip down the St. Croix River.  Some of us travelled to Coon Rapids to celebrate the 90th Birthday of Clem Herman.  Dancers throughout the state are looking forward to upcoming dances in the months ahead, sponsored by a variety of clubs.

In addition to the visitors weekly at our dances and review lessons, we enjoy the spunky personalities of our Acting Presidents Al and Cindy Martin and we love rubbing shoulders with the SDM officers Don Hanson and Deb Hollimon who regularly are in attendance.  Thanks to EVERYONE who help in some way to keep us a happy and active square dance club!

Come join us Wednesday nights for frivolity, fellowship, and fun!  Come mingle with the young folks who interact with us.  It’s a great place to dance!

F-M Square Dancers Association

March 2, 2015 – West Central Tribune, Willmar, MN.  You can view the square dance sequence a bit after the 13:00 minute mark in this video show.  Click on the big picture that says Ag Week TV.  Near the bottom of the screen will be a timeline.  Slide it to 13 minutes and start watching to see new caller Charlie Huhtala and seasoned caller Roger McNeil and lots of square dancers having fun.  Great piece of positive publicity for square dancing.

Wadena Whirlaways

February 21, 2015 – Wadena Whirlaways “Graduation” Dance, Verndale, Caller Larry Johansen.  Congratulations to all the new dancers!

Wadena Whirlaway Graduates.  Congratulations!

Wadena Whirlaway Graduates. Congratulations!


Century Squares

February 28, 2015 – Century Squares “Pie Night” Dance, Rochester, Caller Dick Severson.

County Line Squares danced with Century Squares!

County Line Squares danced with Century Squares!

Gospel Plus

February 27, 2015 – Gospel Plus Dance, Hopkins, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.

Westonka Whirlers danced at Gospel Plus.

Westonka Whirlers danced at Gospel Plus.

Spares & Pairs

February 25, 2015 – Spares & Pairs “Favorite Sweatshirt Night” Dance, Bloomington, Caller Wayne Kubicek, Cuer Robin Fryman.

South Metro Stars claimed a Spares & Pairs banner!

South Metro Stars claimed a Spares & Pairs banner!