Plus Blast

November 22, 2014 – Westonka Whirlers “Plus Blast,” Mound, Caller Dick Rueter.  Over four squares of dancers attended the 6-hour Plus BLAST.

Dick Rueter taught and workshopped  the thirty plus calls November 22 in Mound at the BLAST sponsored by Westonka Whirlers.

Dick Rueter taught and workshopped the thirty plus calls November 22 in Mound at the BLAST sponsored by Westonka Whirlers.

In the four squares were two other callers, a cuer, great dancers and fantastic angels, which combined made for a worthwhile, productive day!

In the four squares were two other callers, a cuer, great dancers and fantastic angels, which combined made for a worthwhile, productive day!

Late in the afternoon session, Bernadette McNeil did a line dance so dancers could relax and just have fun!

Late in the afternoon session, Bernadette McNeil did a line dance so dancers could relax and just have fun!

Once Dick finished teaching the calls, Roger McNeil called a tip!

Once Dick finished teaching the calls, Roger McNeil called a tip!



Single Circles

November 21, 2014 – Single Circles “Celebrate America” Dance, Maple Grove, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Bernadette McNeil.  Spares & Pairs and Westonka Whirlers claimed Single Circles’ banners.  County Line Squares retrieved its banner.

Westonka Whirlers claimed a Single Circles banner!

Westonka Whirlers claimed a Single Circles banner!

Spares & Pairs claimed a Single Circles banner!

Spares & Pairs claimed a Single Circles banner!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner from Single Circles!

County Line Squares retrieved their banner from Single Circles!

Single Circles dancers!

Single Circles dancers!

L & M Squares

Scary creatures were on the floor for the Oct 28 Halloween Dance.  Roger McNeil, club caller, kept four squares of creatures moving.  Bernadette McNeil, club cuer, cued round and line dances between tips.  “Salute to the Veterans” was the theme for the Nov 11 dance with four squares dancing to patriotic tunes called by Roger.  Bernadette cued rounds and lines.

Club members are assisting as angels at lessons.  They’ve also danced at Larry’s Plus, Rounds with Bernadette, County Line, Roger’s Plus, the HoeDown, Country Twirlers and of course the other three local clubs.

A HUGE thank you to Kay Jacobson, Pete Keller and Harvey Hegvick who are the current officers.  Their term is up on Dec 31 and a new slate of officers will begin their term on Jan 1.

L & M Squares dance on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month, year round.  Mainstream dancing begins at 6:30 p.m. with two rounds or a line dance between each tip.  Dancers meet at Cash Wise before the dance and order a meal from the deli, which gives them a discounted gate fee and helps the club with paying the rent.

Gotta Dance Rounds

As a round dance teacher of two dance classes, I feel I must give a compliment to both the “new” dancers as well as the “continuing” dancers who might be reading this newsletter.

Not only do the class members enjoy greeting each other weekly, they are consistent with their attendance.

Not only do they strive to listen and learn, but they enjoy the challenge of being part of a group.  They seem to find pleasure and gratification in practicing weekly in class and also make use of a cued c.d. at home.  THEY ARE AWESOME TO WORK WITH AND I APPRECIATE THEM!

Once again, thank you to all who make it possible for me to enjoy my passion and love of teaching.  Congratulations to everyone for the continued success and achievement in your round dance experiences.  THANK YOU FOR LETTING ME BE A SMALL PART OF YOUR ENDEAVOR!

Remember to “Keep on Dancing” and … if you’ve just “Gotta Dance Rounds,” Robin and Roger would love to see you!


Spares & Pairs

The world of square dance festively celebrated autumn over the last few months.  The end of September brought Randy Dougherty to join Dick Rueter for another rousing dance, ushering in the fall season.

Ray Belanger was full of fun and frivolity as well, with a revival of the Macarena.  Robin taught a few new line dances as well, and single folk as well as couples, got a chance to try out something new!

Several dancers  were even  seen  in special attire, celebrating Scandinavian Oktoberfest, the first part of October.  Dancers can be seen everywhere enjoying the love of companionship and exercise.

King Ken and his Queen Mary Egan, have been busy organizing banner raids for us.  We appreciate all they do to encourage members to be out in the dance community!  We retrieved banners from Ar-Dales, Bloomington Swirlers, County Line Squares, Crystal Crosstrailers,  Dakota Grand Squares and South Metro Squares!

Much thanks for all the  continued help from our wonderful “male angels” and “significant females” who so  willingly give of their  time (and partners) Wednesday nights to support the new student dancers!

Special thanks to Ted Blasko who went the extra mile to assist the club with its on-going ”can-recycling” project, during the Can Dance.  Also to all the members and visitors who come to dance weekly with us!

Beaux & Belles

Novmeber 16, 2014 – Beaux & Belles “Annual Turkey Dinner” Dance, St Cloud, Callers Dick Rueter & Tom Allen, Cuers Ken LaBau & Sarah Klaphake.  Beaux and Belles put on a terrific dance and dinner.

Part of the 17 Squares that Enjoyed the "Turkey" Dance

Part of the 17 Squares that Enjoyed the “Turkey” Dance

More of the 17 Squares that Enjoyed the "Turkey" Dance

More of the 17 Squares that Enjoyed the “Turkey” Dance

Dinner Servers

Dinner Servers

Serving a Wonderful, Homemade Turkey Dinner with "Real" Potatoes

Serving a Wonderful, Homemade Turkey Dinner with “Real” Potatoes

Serving a Wonderful, Homemade Turkey Dinner with "Real" Potatoes

Serving a Wonderful, Homemade Turkey Dinner with “Real” Potatoes

Dessert Servers

Dessert Servers

After the Dance Everyone Enjoyed the Great Meal

After the Dance Everyone Enjoyed the Great Meal


Westonka Whirlers

16 November 2014 – Westonka Whirlers “Thanks for Giving” Dance, Mound, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger.

In Spite of the Early Snowstorm and Slippery Roads, Westonka Whirlers Enjoyed a Fun Evening

In Spite of the Early Snowstorm and Slippery Roads, Westonka Whirlers Enjoyed a Fun Evening

After the Special Door Prize Drawings, Debbie, Banner Chair, Announced the Next Banner Raid

After the Special Door Prize Drawings, Debbie, Banner Chair, Announced the Next Banner Raid

Basic & Mainstream Blast

November 8 and 15 – “Blast” Classes, Mound, Caller Dick Rueter.  “Spur-of-the-minute” classes for a square of “newbies” and “brushup” dancers.  They were blasted into square dancing after a basic and a mainstream blast in an 8-day period.  New dancers from Rochester, Lakeville, Rosemount, Maple Grove, Victoria, Farmington, Bloomington and Oregon participated.  Three squares participated but unfortunately not all are on the photos.

Smiles and Happiness Dominated the Basic BLAST Class in Mound

Smiles and Happiness Dominated the Basic BLAST Class in Mound

Three Squares Participated but Unfortunately not All are on the Photos

Three Squares Participated but Unfortunately not All are on the Photos

The November 8th Group Went to Scotty B's for Lunch.

The November 8th Group Went to Scotty B’s for Lunch.

A Great Potluck Lunch was Enjoyed by All at the Mainstream BLAST November 15 in Burnsville

A Great Potluck Lunch was Enjoyed by All at the Mainstream BLAST November 15 in Burnsville

County Line Squares

November 14, 2014 – County Line Squares “Red, White & Blue” Dance, Monticello, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Bernadette McNeil.  Nine squares from 12 organizations were represented.

Veterans Marched into the Gym Before the Dance Commenced

Veterans Marched into the Gym Before the Dance Commenced

Hotfoot Stompers Claimed a County Line Squares Banner

Hotfoot Stompers Claimed a County Line Squares Banner

Koronis Nite Owls Claimed a County Line Squares Banner

Koronis Nite Owls Claimed a County Line Squares Banner

L & M Squares  and Saturday Fun Nite Dancers from Fargo

L & M Squares and Saturday Fun Nite Dancers from Fargo

Wadena Whirlaways

November 13, 2014 – Wadena Whirlaways “Turkey Shoot” Dance, Verndale, Caller Royce Nelson, Cuer Donna Stone.  Wadena Whirlaways share the fun they had with new theme they tried for their pre-Thanksgiving dance.  Linda made a turkey target and brought the grandson’s nerf-gun.  From the time the menfolk entered the room, it was like a magnet for them!   Lots of them were taking practice shots, sighting in as seriously as if their dinner really were on the line!

2014-11-13 - 01

2014-11-13 - 02

2014-11-13 - 03