L & M Squares

October 26, 2021 – L & M Squares “Halloween” Square Dance, Moorhead, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Bernadette McNeil. An all-female “pile ‘m up” square at the Halloween dance, included three new and five experienced dancers who did an excellent job (see photo above).

Viera – the youngest bumble bee at the dance, enjoyed dancing to the CHICKEN DANCE.
Viera is the granddaughter of new graduates Gail and Ralph.

SDM Fall Festival

October 30, 2021 – SDM Fall Festival, St Cloud, Callers Tom Allen, John Bittner, Andy Flint, Charley Huhtala, Larry Johansen, and Rick Larson, Cuer Sarah Klaphake (see photo above).  Dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, County Line Squares, Dakota Squares, ETTA Square and Rounds, Gospel Plus, Hotfoot Stompers, Kaleidoscope Squares, Koronis Nite Owls, North Country Plus, Pairs & Squares, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Valley Stars, Wadena Whirlaways, Wandering Wheels, and Westonka Whirlers were present.

Floyd Engelhardt received an “Octogenarian Live-Lively Award”


County Line Squares

October 29, 2021 – County Line Squares “Halloween” Square Dance, Monticello, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Cambridge Corners, Crystal Cross Trailers, Hotfoot Stompers, Jolly Promenaders, Koronis Nite Owls, Single Circles, Spares & Pairs, and Westonka Whirlers joined County Line Squares (see photo above).  Jolly Promenaders Queen Cindy and King Dan, County Line Squares Queen Char and King Bill, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, and SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman were present.

Gospel Plus

October 22, 2021 – Gospel Plus Square Dance, Hopkins, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Westonka Whirlers danced with Gospel Plus (see photo above).

Beaux & Belles

October 20, 2021 – Beaux & Belles “Halloween” Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Koronis Nite Owls and County Line Squares danced with Beaux & Belles (see photo above).  County Line Squares Queen Char and King Bill were present.

Rockin’ Country Dancers

October 17, 2021 – Rockin’ Country Dancers Square Dance, West Union, two squares danced with Caller Larry Johansen at Rockin’ Country Dancers (see photo above).

Koronis Nite Owls claimed a Rockin’ Country Dancers banner.

Triple trouble at Rockin’ Country Dancers!


Westonka Whirlers

October 16, 2021 – Westonka Whirlers “Pumpkin Patch” Square Dance, Mound, Caller Charley Huhtala, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.   Dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, County Line Squares, Crystal Cross Trailers, Dakota Squares, Hotfoot Stompers, Kaleidoscope Squares, Single Circles, Spares & Pairs, and Wandering Wheels joined the Westonka Whirlers.  Also present were Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Carol and King Louie, Westonka Whirlers Queen Jennifer and King Barry, SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman, SDM Historian Al Martin, SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott, and SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg.  Over eight squares of dancers and visitors enjoyed the calling and cueing of Charley Huhtala and Sarah Klaphake (see photo above).  Special guests were the chairs of the Wisconsin 2022 state convention Sharon and Bob from Levis and Lace in Minocqna, WI.

County Line Squares retrieved their banner.

Spares & Pairs retrieved their banner.

Spares & Pairs

October 13, 2021 – Spares & Pairs Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Dancers from County Line Squares, Hotfoot Stompers, Wandering Wheels and Westonka Whirlers joined the Spares & Pairs dancers.  County Line Squares Queen Char and King Bill, Westonka Whirlers Queen Jennifer and King Barry, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman, and SDM Historian Al Martin were present.  County Line Squares (see photo above, with Cuer Sarah Klaphake and Caller Larry Fruetel) claimed a Spares & Pairs banner.

L & M Squares

L & M Squares presented members of the FM Breast Friends a check in the amount of $881.00 after the annual Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit dance held on October 11, 2021.  Proceeds from the dance fee, a silent auction and a live auction were raised and donated to the non-profit whose purpose is to support those with breast cancer during and after diagnosis and treatment.  Pictured above are Connie N and Stephanie H, both members of FM Breast Friends and Bernadette McNeil, L & M Squares organization round dance cuer.

Ar-Dale Dancers

October 10, 2021 – Ar-Dale Dancers “Harvest of Colors” Square Dance, White Bear lake, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Dakota Squares retrieved their banner from Ar-Dale Dancers (see photo above).