SDM Winter Festival

January 26, 2020 – SDM Winter Festival Square Dance, St Cloud, Callers Tom Allen, Andy Flint, Monte Guenzler, Charley Huhtala, Larry Johansen, Rick Larson, Abe Maier, Roger McNeil, Dick Severson, and John Welton; Cuers Sarah Klaphake, Ken LaBau, and Bernadette McNeil.  Dancers from Afternoon Squares, Ar-Dale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, ETTA Square & Rounds, Friendly Squares, Gospel Plus, Jolly Twirlers, Kaleidoscope Squares, Koronis Nite Owls, L & M Squares, Rays Promenaders, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Saturday Fun Nite, South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs, Wadena Whirlaways, and Westonka Whirlers were present.  Ten callers and three cuers kept the dance lively (see photo above).  Awards were presented by SDM Chair Barry Downs (see photos below).

Live-Lively “Octogenarian” Award – Tony Klingelhoets.

Live-Lively “Octogenarian” Award – Don Lundell.

New Graduate First Award – Ella Klaphake.

New Graduate First Award – Anna Mohs.

New Graduate First and Second Awards – Maggie Bloomquist.

New Graduate First and Second Awards – Bill and Char VanBergen.

New Graduate Second and Third Awards – Brad and Michelle Neutz.

Eighth Most-Active Dancer – Debbie Quant (50 events) (not present).

Seventh Most-Active Dancer – Audrey Boyd (63 events).

Seventh Most-Active Dancer – Kathy Achermann (63 events).

Sixth Most-Active Dancer – David Wilde (85 events) (not present).

Fifth Most-Active Dancer – Doug Zachman (95 events) (not present).

Fourth Most-Active Dancer – Gael Zachman (98 events) (not present).

Third Most-Active Dancer – Jennifer Downs (112 events).

Second Most-Active Dancers – Don Lundell and Mavis Johnson (125 events).

Most-Active Dancer (Jul-Dec 2019) – Carmen Fesenmaier (126 events).

Most-Active Dancer banner.

Mid-Winter Magic

January 25, 2020 – Swingmaster’s Mid-Winter Magic Square Dance, Hopkins, Swingmasters callers and cuers.  Twenty-five squares attended the event.

Spares & Pairs dancers.

Hot Foot Stompers dancers.

Friendly Twirlers dancers.

Gospel Plus

January 24, 2020 – Gospel Plus Square Dance, Hopkins, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Dancers from Beaux & Belles, County Line Squares, Crystal Cross Trailers, ETTA Square & Rounds, Gospel Plus, Hot Foot Stompers, Single Circles, South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs, Square & Twirl, Wandering Wheel, and Westonka Whirlers (see photo above) were present.  Also present were County Line Squares Queen Carmen, Westonka Whirlers Queen Debbie and King Fred, SDM Chair Barry Downs, SDM Vice Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg.

Hot Foot Stompers members with Caller Tom Allen
and Cuer Ken LaBau.

County Line Squares dancers with Caller Tom Allen
and Cuer Ken LaBau.

ETTA Square & Rounds

January 22, 2020 – ETTA Square & Rounds Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  County Line Squares danced with the ETTA dancers (see photo above).

Westonka Whirlers

January 19, 2020 – Westonka Whirlers “Snowmen on Parade” Square Dance, Mound, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Bernadette McNeil.  Dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, County Line Squares, Crystal Cross Trailers, Dakota Squares, Friendly Twirlers, Gospel Plus, Hot Foot Stompers, Single Circles, Spares & Pairs, Square & Twirl, and Westonka Whirlers were present.  Also present were County Line Squares Queen Carmen, Westonka Whirlers Queen Debbie, Come Square Dance Chair Vince Dahlheimer, SDM Vice Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott.  Dakota Squares retrieved their banner (see photo above).  County Line Squares claimed a Westonka Whirlers banner (see photo below).

County Line Squares with Caller Roger McNeil
and Cuer Bernadette McNeil.

Spares & Pairs

January 15, 2020 – Spares & Pairs Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuers Jean and Steve Philson.  Dancers from County Line Squares, Dakota Squares, Hot Foot Stompers, South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs, Square & Twirl, and Westonka Whirlers were present.  Also present were Dakota Squares Queen Becky and King Jeff, SDM Vice Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott.  Dakota Squares retrieved their banner from Spares & Pairs (see photo above).  Westonka Whirlers claimed a Spares & Pairs banner (see photo below).

Westonka Whirlers.

Mesa Spirit Dance

January 12, 2020 – Mesa Spirit Square Dance, Callers Tom Allen and Jerry Junck.  Dick Rueter is missing – croaking with a bad cold!  Minnesota group at Mesa Spirit dance (see photo above).