Spares & Pairs

August 14, 2019 – Spares & Pairs “Beach Party” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Vic Diller.  Ar-Dale Dancers, County Line Squares (see photo above). Dakota Grand Squares, Hot Foot Stompers, Single Circles, TMF Squares, and Westonka Whirlers danced with Spares & Pairs.  Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Kathleen, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Mel, SDM Chair Barry Downs, SDM Vice Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott were present.

Wisconsin Convention

August 9 -11, 2019 – 60th Wisconsin Square and Round Dance Convention (Special Guest Caller Hunter Keller).   Five callers and six dancers from Minnesota – Hunter Keller in back row (see photo above).

Alan Dahl, a member of Friendly Twirlers and Spares and Pairs, participated in the Wisconsin Square Dance Convention style show.

Hot Foot Stompers’ Queen Danielle with John, Zack, Daniel, and Stephanie.

A full square of MN dancers.

Looks like two squares of youthful square dancers surrounding Hot Foot Stompers Queen Danielle.

Koronis Nite Owls

August 11, 2019 – Koronis Nite Owls “Preseason” Square Dance, Paynesville, Caller Dean Dederman.  ArDale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, Friendly Squares, Gospel Plus, Jolly Twirlers, Pairs & Squares, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Single Circles, South Metro Stars, Wadena Whirlaways, and Westonka Whirlers were present.  Also present were SDM Vice Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Education Director Terry Orton, SDM Historian Al Martin, SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg, RoundUp Advertising Manager Connie Walker-Pearson, and RoundUp Subscription Manager and Enhancin’ Dancin’ Editor Paul Pearson.

SDM Basic Blast

August 10, 2019 – SDM Square Dance “Basic” Blast, Maple Lake, Caller Vic Diller.  New dancers were joined by angels from Beaux & Belles, County Line Squares, and Westonka Whirlers.


August 8, 2019 – SDM Square Dance ABC, Maple Lake, Caller Vic Diller.  New dancers were joined by angels from County Line Squares and Westonka Whirlers.

Beaux & Belles

August 7, 2019 – Beaux & Belles Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Wadena Whirlaways, Koronis Nite Owls, Gospel Plus, Friendly Squares, and County Line Squares danced with Beaux & Belles (some dancers departed before the photo was taken).

Pairs & Squares

August 4, 2019 – Pairs & Squares Square Dance, Battle Lake, Caller Jerry Junck, Cuer Donna Stone.  More than five squares of dancers enjoyed the music and dancing.

Granite Fest

August 2-4, 2019 – Granite Fest Weekend, St Cloud, Callers Tom Allen, Dick Rueter, and Jerry Junck, Cuers Sarah Klaphake and Ken LaBau.  Dancers from Manitoba, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ontario, and Wisconsin enjoyed the Granite Fest weekend.

Callers and cuers – Jerry, Sarah, Dick, Ken, and Tom.

Aug 3 – Round Dancing.

Aug 4 – last tip (nine squares).

Wandering Wheels.

Happy Twirlers with callers and cuers.

Crow Wing County Fair

August 3, 2019 – Crow Wing County Fair Demo, Brainerd, Caller Larry Johansen.  Dancers from Single Circles, Westonka Whirlers, and Spares and Pairs danced with Ray’s Promenaders.  (A few left before the photo was taken.)