Spares & Pairs

June 12, 2019 – Spares & Pairs “Timbre Junction Bluegrass Concert” Square Dance, Caller Dick Rueter, Cuer Sarah Klaphake, Guest Caller Tom Allen.  Dancers from Afternoon Squares, Ar-Dale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, County Line Squares, Dakota Grand Squares, Desert Dancers (Palm Desert, CA),  Friendly Twirlers, Gospel Plus, Hot Foot Stompers, Single Circles, South Metro Stars, Square & Twirl, and Westonka Whirlers joined Spares & Pairs for the concert and dance with the Timbre Junction Bluegrass Band (see photo above).  Also present were Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Kathleen, County Line Squares Queen Carmen, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Mel, Come Square Dance Chair Vince Dahlheimer, SDM Vince Chair Barry Downs, SDM Secretary Gael Zachman, SDM Executive Director LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott, and SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg.

Single Circles dancers.

County Line Squares dancers.



Rays Promenaders

June 7, 2019 – Rays Promenaders Square Dance, Brainerd, Caller Tom Allen.  WMSTR Squares, Wadena Whirlaways, North Country Plus, County Line Squares, and Beaux & Belles dancers were present.  Also present were SDM Chair Linda Brotherton, SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman, and SDM Education Director Terry Orton.

Beaux & Belles

June 5, 2019 – Beaux & Belles Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Denise Heinz, Cuer Sarah Klaphake, Guest Caller Tom Allen.  Dancers (see photo above) from Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, Friendly Squares, Friendly Twirlers, Gospel Plus, Koronis Nite Owls, and Rockin’ Country Dancers were present.  Also present were Come Square Dance Chair Vince Dahlheimer, Federation At-Large Lisa Caspersen, Square Dance Minnesota (SDM) Treasurer Gael Zachman, and SDM Executive Director LeRoy Elfmann.

Ar-Dale Dancers

June 2, 2019 – Ar-Dale Dancers Square Dance Workshop, White Bear Lake, Caller Larry Fruetel.  Dancers from County Line Squares, Dakota Grand Squares, Gospel Plus, Single Circles, Spares & Pairs, and Westonka Whirlers joined the Ar-Dale Dancers.

L & M Squares

May 28, 2019 – L & M Squares Square Dance, Fargo, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Bernadette McNeil.  Dancers (see photo above) from Country Twirlers, County Line Squares, Square Crows (Woodinville, WA), and Valley Stars danced with L & M Squares.

Wandering Wheels

May 24, 2019 – Wandering Wheels “Cinco de Mayo” Square Dance, Cambridge, Caller Tom Allen.  Sixty-eight dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, Hot Foot Stompers, Jolly Twirlers, NSD Campers (Middleton, WI), Single Circles, South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs, and Westonka Whirlers joined the Wandering Wheels at their dance.  Also present were Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Kathleen, County Line Squares Queen Carmen, Hot Foot Stompers Queen Danielle, Jolly Twirlers Queen Cindy and King Dan, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Mel, Federation Education Committee Linda Biederman-Hink, RoundUp Advertising Manager Connie Walker-Pearson, RoundUp Business Managers Cindy and Dan Hoffman, RoundUp Subscription Manager ad Enhancin’ Dancin’ Editor Paul Pearson, SDM Executive Director LeRoy Elfmann, and SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg,

Hot Foot Stompers dancers at the dance.

County Line Squares dancers at the dance.

County Line Squares members also danced on May 25, 2019.


First City Squares

May 3, 2019 – First City Squares “Convention Colors and Royce Nelson’s Retirement Party” Square Dance. Bemidji, Callers Larry Johansen, Phil Miller, Roger Lueth, and Royce Nelson.  Dancers at Royce Nelson’s retirement party/square dance are in the photo above.

Callers Larry Johansen, Phil Miller, Roger Lueth, and Royce Nelson at Royce’s retirement party/square dance.

Wadena Whirlaways

May 23, 2019 – Wadena Whirlaways “Patriotic” Square Dance, Wadena, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Donna Stone.  Friendly Squares, Rays Promenaders, and Rockin’ Country Dancers danced with Wadena Whirlaways (see photo above).

ETTA Square & Rounds

May 22, 2019 – ETTA Square & Rounds Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  County Line Squares danced with the ETTA Square & Rounds dancers.

Park View Care Center

May 22, 2019 – Park View Care Center Square Dance Demo, Buffalo, Caller Abe Maier.  Dancers from County Line Squares and Spares & Pairs danced for the residents.