Ar-Dale Dancers

May 5, 2019 – Ar-Dale Dancers “Cinco de Mayo/Do-not Miss this Dance” Square Dance, White Bear Lake, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Spares and Pairs qualified for a banner (see photo above).

Rays Promenaders

May 5, 2019 – Rays Promenaders “66th Annual Paul Bunyan Jamboree” Square Dance, Pillager, Callers Larry Johansen, Andy Flint, Myron Hollatz, and Abe Maier; Cuers Donna Stone and Jane Simpson (see photo above).  Eight squares with dancers from Cambridge Corners, Country Twirlers, County Line Squares, Friendly Squares, Green Valley Squares (Green Valley, AZ), Koronis Nite Owls, North Country Plus, Pairs & Squares, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Single Circes, Spares & Pairs, former “Tasca Twirlers, and Wadena Whirlaways danced with Rays Promenaders.

Callers and cuers.

County Line Squares.

SDM Spring Festival

May 4, 2019 – SDM Spring Festival Square Dance, St Cloud, Callers Tom Allen, Andy Flint, Abe Maier, and Roger McNeil, Cuers Sarah Klaphake, Bernadette McNeil, Jane Simpson. and Donna Stone.  Dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, Beaux & Belles, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, ETTA Square & Rounds, F-M Square Dancers Association, Friendly Squares, Friendly Twirlers, Gospel Plus, Jolly Twirlers, Koronis Nite Owls, Rays Promenaders, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Saturday Fun Nite, Single Circles, South Metro Stars, Spares & Pairs, Sunday Squares, TMF Squares, Wadena Whirlaways, and Westonka Whirlers were present.

Square dancing at the festival.

The all female “Best Square” at the dance.

Line dancing between tips.

SDM’s Most-Active Dancer banner was on display.

Awards presented by SDM Chair Linda Brotherton were:

Live Lively Octogenarian Award – Barbara Hicks, County Line Squares.

Live Lively Septuagenarian Award – Mary Elfmann, County Line Squares.

Live Lively Septuagenarian Award – Gael Zachman, County Line Squares and Beaux & Belles.

New-Dancer Graduate Award – Carol Jaskulka, Ar-Dale Dancers.

Traveler 9th Award – Mary and LeRoy Elfmann, County Line Squares.

Scott Erickson, Jennifer Erickson, and Emily Erickson received their New-Dancer Graduate Awards and Barbara Chacko received her New-Dancer Graduate 2nd Award at the Westonka Whirlers “Intro to Square Dancing” on May 6, 2019.

Brad and Michelle Neutz were presented their New-Dancer Graduate Awards at the County Line Squares “Mainstream Workshop” on May 13, 2019, by SDM Treasurer Gael Zachman.






Maple Grove

May 3, 2019 – Maple Grove Beginner” Square Dance, Maple Grove, Caller Larry Fruetel.  Over 4 squares of angels helped 16 new dancers (see photo above).


Orono School

May 3, 2019 – Orono Schools first and second graders demo square dance, Orono, Caller Larry Fruetel.  Three squares (see photo above) did a demo for the Orono first and second graders.  Then they helped with the dancing.

Orono’s first and second graders loved learning a few square dance calls.

Beaux & Belles

May 1, 2019 – Beaux & Belles Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Abe Maier.  Dancers (see photo above) from Spares & Pairs, Rockin’ Country Dancers, Koronis Nite Owls, and County Line Squares danced with Beaux & Belles.  Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Mel and County Line Squares Queen Carmen and King David were present.

Friendly Twirlers

April 28, 2019 – Friendly Twirlers “Royalty” Square Dance, Balsam Lake, Caller Abe Maier.  County Line Squares (plus one) danced with Friendly Twirlers (see photo above).

North Dakota Festival

April 25-26, 2019 – 67th North Dakota State Square and Round Dance Festival, Grand Forks, Caller Noah Siegmann, Cuer Bernadette McNeil; guest Callers Roger McNeil, Charley Huhtala, and Andy Flint, guests Cuer Donna Stone.  One hundred twelve dancers from Canada, North Dakota, Minnesota, and Wisconsin enjoyed the festival hosted by Valley Stars (see photo above).

Canadian dancers with Caller Noah Siegmann.

Caller Noah Siegmann.

Cuer Bernadette McNeil.

Westonka Whirlers’s new queen Debbie and Hot Foot Stompers’s new queen Danielle.


Royalty Luncheon

April 27, 2019 –  39th Annual Royalty Luncheon, Roseville, Hosted by Spares & Pairs.  The Edythe Beard Travelling Royalty Banner was presented to County Line Squares Queen Gael and King Doug Zachman.  Incoming royalty appear in the photo above.

County Line Squares new and former royalty in attendance.