Mound ABC

July 17, 2017 – ABC Square Dance, Mound, Caller Dick Rueter.  Fun prevails at the Monday night dances (see participants in photo above).

SDM Summer Fesitval

July 23, 2017 – SDM Summer Festival “3rd Anniversary – General Membership Meeting and Awards Presentation” Square Dance, St Cloud, Callers Tom Allen, Andy Flint, Charley Huhtala, Abe Maier, and Dick Rueter, Cuers Robin Fryman, Sarah Klaphake, and Jane Simpson.  Eight squares were present.

Callers and Cuers.

#7 Most-Active Dancer – Jim Egerman (County Line Squares and Beaux & Belles).

#6 Most-Active Dancers and 2nd Traveler Awards – Gerlene and Tony Klingelhoets (County Line Squares).

#5 Most-Active Dancer – Willard Leinonen (County Line Squares, Beaux & Belles, and ETTA Square & Rounds).

#4 Most-Active Dancers – Evonne and Clem Herman (Spares & Pairs), not present.

#3 Most -Active Dancer and 1st and 2nd Traveler Awards – Susie Oachs (County Line Squares, Beaux & Belles, and Afternoon Squares).

#2 Most-Active Dancers and 4th and 5th Traveler Awards – Don Lundell and Mavis Johnson (County Line Squares and Afternoon Squares).

#1 Most-Active Dancer – Barry Down (Spares & Pairs, Afternoon Squares, and Westonka Whirlers).

2nd Traveler Award – Lorraine Wilson (County Line Squares).

3rd Traveler Awards – Doug and Gael (County Line Squares and Beaux & Belles).

4th and 5th Traveler Awards – Mary and LeRoy Elfmann(County Line Squares).

Certificate of Appreciation – Robert Meyer, for three years as a SDM board director.

Certificate of Appreciation – Mary Kay Amberg, for three years as a SDM board director.

New board members elected were Barry Downs and Gael Zachman.  Board members and officers for 2017-2018 are:  Chair – LeRoy Elfmann, Vice Chair – Linda Brotherton, Treasurer – Deb Hollimon, Secretary – Gael Zachman, Education Director – Barry Downs, Historian – Al Martin, Marketing Director – Dee Scott, Membership Director – Mary Kay Amberg, Webmaster – LeRoy Elfmann.

Beaux & Belles

July 19, 2017 – Beaux & Belles Square Dance, St Cloud, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Sarah Klaphake.  Three squares were present (see photo above) with dancers from Beaux & Belles and County Line Squares.

Hot Foot Stompers

July 17, 2017 – Hot Foot Stompers “New Dancer – Summer Fun” Square Dance, Coon Rapids, Caller Dean Libby.  County Line Squares dancers (see photo above) attended the dance.

Afternoon Squares

July 13, 2017 – Afternoon Squares Square Dance, Hopkins, Caller Abe Maier.  Afternoon Squares was joined by children from the Hopkins area Police Department Liaison Group (see photo above).

Square dancing.

Spares & Pairs

July 12, 2017 – Spares & Pairs “Sports Night” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Dick Rueter, Cuer Ray Belanger.  Eight squares with dancers from Afternoon Squares, Ar-Dale Dancers, Bloomington Swirlers, County Line Squares, Hot Foot Stompers, Spares & Pairs, Westonka Whirlers (see photo above), and a visiting couple from Vail, AZ.  Also present were Hot Foot Stompers Queen Rose, and Spares & Pairs Queen Cathy and King Fred, CSD Secretary Ken Scott, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott.

County Line Squares with Caller Dick Rueter.

Grapevine Twist

July 8, 2017 – Grapevine Twist Square Dance, Albert Lea, Caller Monte Guenzler.  County Line Squares dancers and Queen Susie and Hot Foot Stompers Queen Rose (see photo above) were present.

Alaska Cruise

July 7, 2017 – Three squares (see photo above) of dancers got “warmed up” on Friday night for all the dances on board the cruise ship to Alaska by dancing to Mike Driscoll, Kippen Parrot, and Brian Freed.