National Convention

June 21-24, 2017 – 66th National Square and Round Dance Convention, Cincinnati.  Attendance 3,627, with 46 dancers from Minnesota.  Cincinnati is submitting an entry to Guinness World Records for the largest square dance with 1,632 participants.

June 21 – Mainstream dancing with Ghost Riders Band.

June 21 – Mainstream dancing with Ghost Riders Band.

June 21 – Mainstream dancing with Ghost Riders Band.

June 22 – Mainstream dancing with Ghost Riders Band.

June 22 – Tri-State Spinners Exhibition.

June 23 – Mainstream dancing with Ghost Riders Band.

June 23 – Plus dancing.

June 23 – Plus dancing.

June 23 – Heritage Dancers Exhibition.

June 23 – River City Riders Exhibition.

June 24 – Heritage Dancers Exhibition.

June 24 – River City Riders Exhibition.

June 24 – Tri-State Dancers.

Some of the 46 Minnesotans present.

The winners of the “Last Square Standing” competition. This is the  square with the least mistakes in some very tough calling by Tony Oxidine and Randy Dougherty.


North Country Plus

June 18, 2017 – North Country Plus Square Dance, Staples, Caller Abe Maier. Three squares with dancers from Rays Promenaders, Ocean Waves (Rockport, TX), North Country Plus, Friendly Squares, and County Line Squares were present (see photo above). Also present were County Line Squares Queen Susie and King Jim.

Bruentrup Heritage Farm

June 17, 2016, Maplewood Area Historical Society “Bruentrup Heritage Farm – National Dairy Day” Barn Square Dance, Caller Larry Fruetel. Three squares entertained the guests.

Single Circles

June 17, 2017 – Single Circles Square Dance at the Giebenhain Farm, Maple Lake, Caller Abe Maier.  Four and a half squares participated in the barn dance.

Line Dancing.

Spares & Pairs

June 14, 2017 – Spares & Pairs “Beach Party” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Roger McNeil, Cuer Bernadette McNeil.  Ten squares with dancers from 14 organizations were present.  Also present were Hot Foot Stompers Queen Rose and Dakota Grand Squares Queen Eileen and King Darwin, USDA Plains Region Vice Presidents Floyd and Judy Engelhardt, CSD Chair Vince Dahlheimer, CSD Secretary Ken Scott, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, SDM Historian Al Martin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott.  (Photo – County Line Squares members at the dance with Caller Roger McNeil and Cuer Bernadette McNeil.)

Buffalo Days

June 13, 2017 – County Line Squares held two demos during the annual Buffalo Days celebration at Lake Ridge Care Center and Sturgis Park.  Caller was Abe Maier with two squares dancing (photo above was taken at Sturgis Park).

MN State Convention

June 9-11, 2017 – 65th Minnesota State Square and Round Dance Convention, Rochester.  Approximately 440 dancers attended the convention.  Photo above was taken on Friday evening.

Dancing Saturday evening.