SDM Winter Festival

January 29, 2017 – SDM “Winter Festival” Square Dance, Board Meeting, and Awards Presentation, St Cloud, Callers – Tom Allen, Andy Flint, Larry Fruetel, Tom Jacobs, Monte Guenzler, Charley Huhtala, Abe Maier, Roger McNeil, and Dick Severson; Cuers – Sarah Klaphake and Bernadette McNeil.  Forty SDM members attended the SDM Board Meeting.  Seventy-four dancers were present at the dance and awards presentation.

Evonne and Clem Herman were the Most-Active Dancers with 197 events during the Jul-Dec 2016 timeframe.

Barry Downs was the 2nd Most-Active Dancer with 105 events.

Susie Oachs was the 3rd Most-Active Dancer with 97 events.

Willard Leinonen was the 4th Most-Active Dancer with 63 events.

Dean Brotherton received his Live-Lively Septuagenarian Award.

Jerry Hartman received his Live-Lively Septuagenarian Award.

Evonne and Clem Herman received their 4th Traveler award.

Willard Leinonen received his 2nd Traveler award.

Roger McNeil received the 15th Anniversary Certificate for F-M Square Dancers Association.

Linda Brotherton received the 30th Anniversary Certificate for North Country Plus.

Sally and Tom Allen received the 35th Anniversary Certificate for ETTA Square and Rounds.

Nine callers and two cuers were present (two departed before the photo was taken).

First City Squares

January 25, 2017 – Lakeland Public TV video “Common Ground 807 – CLC Agriculture Showcase & Square Dancing.”  Click on the screen shot below (square dancing portion starts at about the 15:00 minute mark):

Gospel Plus

January 27, 2017 – Gospel Plus Square Dance, Hopkins, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Ray Belanger, Guest Cuer Ken LaBau.  Four squares from eight organizations were present.  Also present were Square & Twirl Queen Patti Ellingson, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, SDM Historian Al Martin, and Federation At-Large Jerry and Patti Ellingson.  County Line Squares are pictured above with Caller Tom Allen.

Spares & Pairs

January 25, 2017 – Spares & Pairs Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger.  Eight squares were present with County Line Squares Queen Helen and King Steve, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Clem, CSD Secretary Ken Scott, SDM Historian Al Martin, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, and SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann.  First tip included an all men square (see picture above).

County Line Squares with Caller Larry Fruetel.

King’s Club.


January 2017 –  Minnesota dancers (pictured above) danced to Dick Rueter, Tom Allen, and Dave Sutter in Mesa, AZ.

Callers Dave Sutter, Dick Rueter, and Tom Allen.

First City Squares

January 22, 2017 – First City Squares Square Dance, Bemidji, Caller Larry Johansen.  Wadena Whirlaways (see picture above) claimed a First City Squares banner.

Friendly Twirlers

January 22, 2017 – Friendly Twirlers “Sports Jersey Night” Square Dance, Balsam Lake, Caller Denise Heinz.  Six squares with dancers from Ar-Dale Dancers, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, Friendly Twirlers, and Jolly Promenaders were present.  Also present were Cambridge Corners King Kevin and SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann.  County Line Squares claimed a Friendly Twirlers banner (see picture above).  Ar-Dale Dancers, Cambridge Corners, and Jolly Promenaders retrieved their banners.

Cambridge Corners with Caller Denise Heinz.

Single Circles

January 20, 2017 – Single Circles “Just Joking Around” Square Dance, Maple Grove, Caller Abe Maier, Cuer Jane Simpson.  Six squares with Single Circles Queen Carla, Hot Foot Stompers Queen Michelle, Come Square Dance Chair Vince Dahlheimer, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, and Federation Vice President Michelle Jensen present.  County Line Squares retrieved their banner (see picture above).

County Line Squares with Caller Abe Maier.

Hot Foot Stompers with Caller Abe Maier.

Herwig Herrmann, new dancer from Stuttgart, Germany, with Cuer Jane Simpson and Caller Abe Maier.

Spares & Pairs

January 18, 2017 – Spares & Pairs “Winter Wonderland” Square Dance, Bloomington, Caller Larry Fruetel, Cuer Ray Belanger.  Eight squares representing nine organizations were present.  Also present were Dakota Grand Squares Queen Becky, Spares & Pairs Queen Evonne and King Clem, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, and SDM Historian Al Martin.  County Line Squares claimed a Spares & Pairs banner.  The banner wall is filling up (see picture above).  Bring a square or two and Come and Get’m!

County Line Squares with Caller Larry Fruetel.

King’s Club.



January 15, 2017 –  Minnesota dancers (pictured above) danced to Dick Rueter, Tom Allen and Jerry Junck in Mesa, AZ.