Ar-Dale Dancers
February 12, 2017 – Ar-Dale Dancers “Heart of My Heart” Square Dance, White Bear Lake, Caller Mike Hogan, Cuer Ken LaBau. Nearly 18 squares with dancers from 18 organizations were present. Also present were Square and Twirl Queen Patti, Dan’se P.A.C. Queen Janet, Cambridge Corners King Kevin, Friendly Twirlers Queen Lisa and King Trevar, Hot Foot Stompers Queen Michele, and Ar-Dale Dancers Queen Beth and King Andy. Others attending were Federation President Janet Sahlstrom, Vice President Michele Jensen, Member Services Erica Friedman, Education Linda Biederman-Hink, At-Large Jerry and Patti Ellingson, Education Linda Biederman-Hink; Come Square Dance Chair Vince Dahlheimer and Secretary Ken Scott; SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, Secretary Mary Kay Amberg, Treasurer Deb Hollimon, Marketing Director Dee Scott, and Historian Al Martin. Dakota Grand Squares, Friendly Twirlers, Hot Foot Stompers, and Single Circles claimed Ar-Dale Dancers banners. A special feature was taking pictures of everyone. Gary Anderson was our photographer and Allen Gosselin printed the photos and everyone received their picture. Herwig was a special guest from Germany. Dean Dederman will be calling for our March dance.