March 12, 2017 – Ar-Dale Dancers “Stand Up with the Taller Caller” Square Dance, White Bear Lake, Caller Dean Dederman, Cuer Ken LaBau. There were 9 5/8 squares from 15 organizations in attendance. Special guests and royalty included Federation President Janet Sahlstrom, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon; Queens and Kings present were Beth Boatz, Andy Hybben, Kevin Grygelko, janet Sahlstrom, Lisa Caspasen, Evonne and Clem Herman. Organizations stealing Ar-Dale Dancers banners were Spares & Pairs (photo above), Dan’se P.A.C., and Hot Foot Stompers. Our lunch table was adorned with lots and lots of green treats and other goodies. On April 9th we will be crowning our new royalty and Dan Sahlstrom will be calling. Come join us for a fun Sunday afternoon.