Crystal Cross Trailers

December 8, 2017 – Crystal Cross Trailers “Winter Wonderland” Square Dance, Plymouth, Callers Tom Allen and Dick Rueter, Cuer Edie Kirsch.  Six squares with dancers from Westonka Whirlers, Wandering Wheels, Square & Twirl, Spares & Pairs, Single Circles, Hot Foot Stompers, Dan’se P.A.C. , Crystal Cross Trailers, County Line Squares (see photo above), and Cambridge Corners were present.  Also present were Hot Foot Stompers Queen Rose, Crystal Cross Trailers Queen Shirlee, USDA Plains Region Vice Presidents Floyd and Judy Englehardt, Federation MRDC Reps Tom and Shirlee Feneis, Federation Member Services Erica Friedman, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Treasurer Deb Hollimon, SDM Secretary Gael Zachman, SDM Education Director Barry Downs, and SDM Historian Al Martin.

Hot Foot Stompers with Callers Tom Allen and Dick Rueter.