February 8, 2015 – Our February dance was a huge success with 14 squares from 18 clubs represented. Mike Hogan called and Ken and Barb LaBau were our cuers. Celebrities in attendance were SDM Vice Chair, Don Hanson and Federation President, Janet Sahlstrom. Royalty included Jeanie Schilling, Friendly Twirlers; Shirlee Feneis, Crystal Cross Trailers; Jan Rondeau, Jolly Promenaders; Mickey and Ben Formanack, Square & Twirl and our own Sharon Dohrmann. New dancers are doing well and seemed to be enjoying their new experience. A feature at our dance was taking pictures of all the “sweethearts” that attended and giving them their picture to take home. A big thank you to Gary Anderson and Rich and Sharon Dohrmann for making this a huge success. Everyone enjoyed the potluck which included lots of chocolate and other goodies.