June 7, 2015 – ETTA Square & Rounds and Beaux & Belles “Annual Pig Roast” Square Dance, Callers Tom Allen, Dick Rueter, and Lanny Weaklend, Cuer Ken LaBau.
Congratulations to Andy & Beth on their engagement!
Ella surprised everyone when she went on the mike and announced to all that she has a new baby brother named Lincoln and “she” is his “big” sister!
Lincoln slept through a fabulous dance!
Ken had “live music” as the three sang “Lay Down Beside Me” while he cued.
Lanny, Carol, Mary, Dick, Sally, Tom, Ella, Barb, Ken.
The dessert table servers waited for the dancers to descend upon the most popular table of the day.
Callers, cuer and St Cloud dancers served the delicious meal! Thanks for all the fun and work!