Gospel Plus

February 25, 2022 – Gospel Plus Square Dance, Hopkins, Caller Tom Allen, Cuer Ken LaBau.  Ar-Dale Dancers, County Line Squares, Dakota Squares, Dan’se P.A.C., Hotfoot Stompers, MAGIC, Lake Promenaders, Spares & Pairs, and Westonka Whirlers danced with Gospel Plus (see photo above) and helped Tom celebrate his birthday.  County Line Squares Queen Char and King Bill, Dan’se P.A.C. Queen Janet, Hotfoot Stompers Queen Sharon, Westonka Whirlers Queen Jennifer and King Barry, Caller and MSDCA President Dan Bebernes, Caller and Swingmasters President Dan Sahlstrom, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Historian Al Martin, SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott, and SDM Membership Director Mary Kay Amberg were present.

Westonka Whirlers.

Hotfoot Stompers.

Dan’se P.A.C. and Lake Promenaders.

County Line Squares.