Dakota Squares

March 27, 2022 – Dakota Squares “Spring Fling” Square Dance, West St Paul, Caller Charley Huhtala, Leader Beth Boatz.  Afternoon Squares, Ar-Dale Dancers, Cambridge Corners, County Line Squares, Dakota Grand Squares, Friendly Twirlers, Hotfoot Stompers, Spares & Pairs, Square & Twirl, Triple T, and Westonka Whirlers danced with Dakota Squares.  Dakota Squares Queen Becky and King Jeff, Friendly Twirlers Queen Jeanie, Federation At-Large Lisa Casperson, SDM Chair LeRoy Elfmann, SDM Secretary Steve Dropkin, SDM Historian Al Matin, and SDM Marketing Director Dee Scott were present.  Westonka Whirlers (see photo above) and Hotfoot Stompers (see photo below) claimed Dakota Squares banners.

Hotfoot Stompers with Caller Charley Huhtala.