Mound Blast

December 5, 2015 – Westonka Whirlers hosted a Mainstream Blast in Mound with Caller Dick Rueter.

What a fantastic group having a fabulous day, all the while indulging in an incredible dose of Vitamin F: Fun, Fellowship, Fitness, new Friends, superb Food, and more Fun, all topped with endless smiles and laughter!  Most new dancers had attended a prior ABC dance. Some are currently in class; some attended the basic BLAST in November.

What a fantastic group having a fabulous day, all the while indulging in an incredible dose of Vitamin F: Fun, Fellowship, Fitness, new Friends, superb Food, and more Fun, all topped with endless smiles and laughter! Most new dancers had attended a prior ABC dance. Some are currently in class; some attended the basic BLAST in November.

Festivities were orchestrated by the one-and-only maestro Dick Rueter!  Dancing while learning from the maestro were Dick's two mentees: Monte Guenzler from Rochester and Doug Setterstrom from Duluth.

Festivities were orchestrated by the one-and-only maestro Dick Rueter! Dancing while learning from the maestro were Dick’s two mentees: Monte Guenzler from Rochester and Doug Setterstrom from Duluth.

A big thank you to every angel from eight clubs who stopped by to donate a few hours of time or the day to the future of square dancing!  You are special and always appreciated!

A big thank you to every angel from eight clubs who stopped by to donate a few hours of time or the day to the future of square dancing! You are special and always appreciated!

By 3:45 p.m.,  everyone had been introduced to or had reviewed 68 calls.

By 3:45 p.m., everyone had been introduced to or had reviewed 68 calls.

Six squares danced all day, sometimes seven!

Six squares danced all day, sometimes seven!

Energy, excitement and great fellowship filled the Grandview cafeteria.

Energy, excitement and great fellowship filled the Grandview cafeteria.

Lots of information was available for the participants. Cruises, special weekends, trips, t-shirts, weekly dances--all are part of this great activity. Check the website for dances all over the world.  Others websites to check are  and  and

Lots of information was available for the participants. Cruises, special weekends, trips, t-shirts, weekly dances–all are part of this great activity.

Smiles and laughter and meeting new people and learning new calls--what fun all day long!

Smiles and laughter and meeting new people and learning new calls–what fun all day long!

Want a calendar of where you can go dancing around the world? Click on this address:

Want a calendar of where you can go dancing around the world? Go to this address:

The Vitamin F in the form of potluck food stretched across the back of the cafeteria.

The Vitamin F in the form of potluck food stretched across the back of the cafeteria.

Luckily all the calories were removed from the dessert table!

Luckily all the calories were removed from the dessert table!

Minnesota hotdishes filled one table!

Minnesota hotdishes filled one table!

A gigantic thanks to all the angels who formed "demonstration" squares so Dick could show calls he was teaching. Very helpful!

A gigantic thanks to all the angels who formed “demonstration” squares so Dick could show calls he was teaching. Very helpful!

Congratulations one and all!  You were still smiling at 4 p.m.!

Congratulations one and all! You were still smiling at 4 p.m.!