December 13, 2015 – It was a warm (December standards), but rainy Sunday afternoon for our December dance. The Sprosty Twins called our ‘Double Your Pleasure, Double Your Fun’ dance and Ken LaBau cued rounds. We had 7 squares representing 11 different clubs. It was a very lively dance with lots of fun Christmas music. Royalty in attendance were King Barry and Queen Jennifer Downs from Spares & Pairs, King Ben and Queen Mickey Formanack from Square & Twirl, Queen Kay Duffy from South Metro Stars, and our own Queen Bonnie Eidman. Other celebrities in attendance were SDM Vice Chair Don Hanson and SDM Education Director Bob Meyer. Hotfoot Stompers took home a small banner. Our next dance is January 10th with Larry Fruetel calling. We encourage new dancers to come to that dance!
It is nice to have Doris Knutson Sunheim back dancing with us. She would like to thank all her dear square dance friends for their prayers, cards and visits while she was recovering from a fall. She really appreciates the “square dance family.”